Traffic Law Attorney
Don’t plead guilty! If you plead guilty to a moving violation the points and conviction will be added to your driving record and will remain there for at least three years, perhaps longer, depending on the nature of the violation. Some traffic and criminal convictions remain on your driving record forever.
At a minimum, points and convictions will cause an increase in your insurance premiums. It’s a fact. Call your insurance agent and ask. Many insurance companies typically increase monthly premium payments 10% to 20% for each point added to your driving record. Even more disturbing, in some cases your privilege to drive may be in jeopardy because of
- too many points,
- missing a court date,
- failing to maintain insurance,
A variety of criminal offenses could suspend or revoke your privilege to drive, such as
- a DWI,
- Abuse and Lose,
- Zero Tolerance,
- Minor in Possession,
- and some misdemeanor and felony charges.
You may not even be aware that some violations add points to your driving record. Consider a ticket for ‘failing to dim or operate (turn-on) your headlights at night’. If you plead guilty to this violation, the Missouri Department of Revenue will add two points and the conviction to your driving record! We know the laws and will protect your rights.
The Missouri Department of Revenue issues various kinds of driver licenses. For example, the typical driver’s license is a Class F (passenger). Other types of licenses include commercial, for-hire, etc. No matter what kind of license you have, there is nothing to gain but always something to lose if you plead guilty to a moving violation or a criminal violation which adds points to your driving record.